3 Ways to Find Your Style

1. Find inspiration from others
When I was trying to figure out my ‘look’, I wanted to try everything and surely enough I found myself in a pile of miss-matched prints and clashing colours.
When struggling to find outfits that would fit or suit me, I began to rely on the basics and to be honest, this made my wardrobe quite dull and boring. I would raid my wardrobe for an hour and pull out the same outfit , feeling uninspired and unhappy with how I looked.
Drawing inspiration from the big screen, I've always admired Audrey Hepburn's classic and sophisticated 1950s style. I also draw on current influencers such as Lily Collins and Tanya Burr, who showcase fashion in a young and fresh light.
Since having drawn inspiration from others, I now think of fashion as this exciting and sometimes uncertain thing that is constantly changing and evolving.

2. Take risks and learn from mistakes
My style now is very different to how it used to be and to be honest, I think it has changed for the better. By taking risks with my outfit choices, I have become more confident and know what suits my body shape better.
Now I can’t say that every risk has gone well because it most definitely hasn’t. One thing that I always take away from a fashion risk failure is that I can always learn from it. By taking the risk in the first place, you are exploring fashion and understanding what does and doesn’t suit you.
To me, fashion risks mean to sometimes stray away from the current trends. This can be quite difficult with social media being a massive influence in fashion, however I found that the minute I began to take risks, I began to once again have fun with fashion.

3. Be comfortable and happy in what you wear
There is nothing worse than going out in an outfit that you aren’t comfortable in. Being comfortable in your clothes doesn’t necessarily mean staying in your pyjamas all day (as I have done many times) but rather finding a piece of clothing that you feel confident enough to walk outside in.
I find that the moment I am comfortable and happy with what I'm wearing, I feel a boost of confidence. It's this very factor that I find the hardest to accomplish when trying to find my style.
When developing my own style, I tried certain pieces of clothing that I would have never considered in the past. With this approach to my clothing, I stepped outside my comfort zone and discovered pieces that suited not only my figure, but also my personality. 

To round off, finding your style can happen overtime or overnight. Nevertheless, it's one fun and exciting journey!

Share your tips on finding your style in the comments below.

Love, Maria

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