A Promise for the New Year

The bursts of multi-coloured lights in the sky are the annual indicator that a new year is upon us. It’s hard to believe that a whole year has already whizzed past in the blink of an eye and what a stupefying year it has been.

I’ve always loved the idea of a new year- its full of promise and fresh starts. Usually it begins with me vowing to steer clear of all cake for the rest of the year… followed two minutes later with me eating New Year’s cake (for good luck, of course!). In all seriousness, I have a really good feeling about 2017. I am not one to divulge in the tradition of writing my New Year’s resolutions purely for the fact that I never saw the point in the whole concept. I am the kind of person that uses the mentality of- you want to do/accomplish something? Why wait for the new year? What is the point of New Year’s resolutions when there is a new day to start tomorrow?

Pushing aside my thoughts of a New Year’s resolution, I decided to write one for the New Year. Over the festive season, and for the majority of my schooling life, I developed a fascination for film and the cinematic experience that a moving picture can create. So, I have made the resolution to explore film in the new year; to take some risks and discover the hidden gems that are within the film industry.

My relationship with film began in film club where the teacher informed us that we were going to watch a Charlie Chaplin film. As soon as I heard the words ‘silent film’, I was almost certain that I was going to snooze through the entire film. I remember sitting and watching the movie project onto the skidded surface of the whiteboard, tears streaming down my face and a smile stretching ear to ear. My initial thoughts and presumptions were proved wrong and I was elated with the realisation that the purpose of film was indescribable and purely magical.

With this in mind I am so excited to take on my new year’s resolution and delve into the world of film.

Leave us a comment with your New Year’s Resolutions.

Love, Maria

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