Resolution Road

At the beginning of the year I set myself the resolution to explore film (A Promise for the New Year). Struggling to stick to my resolutions in the past, I wanted to fully immerse myself into this one. I truly wanted to dip my toes into the cinematic experience of moving pictures. However, it is now July and whilst I have in a way explored film, I must say that I’ve found it extremely difficult to explore beyond the mainstream movies.

Whilst this resolution has been challenging, my love of film has only grown stronger. Having set this goal, I made an effort to read up on the classics; from the directing of Hitchcock to the acting of James Stewart. With this resolution in mind, I have really enjoyed exploring the process that is involved in making a motion picture. A few months ago, I was given the task at university to create a film piece that had performance based aspects. From writing up a treatment, filming in a studio and watching my concept translate onto the screen, I have unveiled a true passion within myself.

In all honesty, I am finding it really challenging to write this post because in my eyes, I haven’t yet met the resolution I set. I know that it’s only half way into the year, but in my head, I had expected to do more to meet this goal. The aim was to deepen my knowledge of cinema, to explore the concept and the picture as well as understand the process involved in making a film.

What I propose to do is watch one film a month that is completely out of my comfort zone. Whether it be a comedy, a classic or a sci-fi thriller I will commit to watching the entire length of the film and write an honest review for you… the readers. With six months left of the year, I am excited to start July off with the 1998 classic, The Trueman Show. Whilst I’ve seen parts of the movie, I’ve never watched the whole thing and I am excited to kick it off with a Peter Weir’s movie.

Let me know in the comments below some of your movie suggestions!

Love, Maria.

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