About Us


Hi there,

I'm Christina- the girl on the right. I'm sure you will get to know me a lot better as this blog progresses, but for the time being, just know that I am absolutely, unapologetically nerdy! I love reading, I love writing and (cringe) yep, I love learning too. You should also know that I have a real passion for music; a love my parents tell me I've had since I was born.

I'm Maria- the girl on the left. As my words meet your eyes, you will soon discover that it is an undeniable fact that I love art. Being an art student, it is constantly brought to my attention that art is an infinite and timeless projection of the world. Some quirky facts that you will soon come to realise are that I only eat biscuits in even numbers, my guilty pleasure is watching soap operas and I cry every time I watch Toy Story 3.

We both have a passion for the arts. Music, film, artwork, photography, literature- we love it all! Between the two of us, there is an infinity of things we could pursue with our lives, and in some ways we have already begun. This blog is our way of sharing our thoughts and journey with you.

You can find us here

Email: the2reasons@gmail.com

Bloglovin': www.bloglovin.com/people/thetworeasons-23364533

Instagram: www.instagram.com/thetworeasons

Twitter: www.twitter.com/the2reasons

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/thetworeasons


All of the content on this blog is our own and based on our personal opinions and thoughts. The images we include in this blog aim to enhance your reading experience and we hope you enjoy them. Please note that all images belong to us, so please do not use them for professional resources. If you would like to use any of the images on this blog, please contact us prior via the email address listed above. Cheers!

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