Cooking Catastrophe

Among other things, home cooking is a skill I pride myself on. I know I can cook and I know how flavour works- if food was a movie, I Steven Spielberg the shit of out it. Like many others, the kitchen is a place I go for peace and reassurance (and delicious food).

However, one fateful night whilst preparing vanilla custard and trying to harness my inner Nigella Lawson (aka food goddess)- it didn’t work! From cakes and soufflés to risotto and casserole, I’m a cooking sensation! But that damn custard failed and failed badly! It didn’t thicken, there were lumps of scrambled egg flouting around and a waft of burnt milk permeated the kitchen (and most of the house). I was crushed! How did this happen? I put this failure down the sink, along with my bruised ego… I’d try again tomorrow.

A new day, fresh attitude and can of air freshener later, I was ready. I even brought out my Mum’s special recipe book for extra luck- I had this in the bag! To my expectations, the custard thickened into a creamy, vanilla bean-flecked dream! I smiled and my ego swelled- I knew I could do it. I think most people would agree with me when I say the best part of cooking is eating. I was ready for this, though what happened next was completely unexpected! It tasted HORRIBLE! Another disaster but this time I was deceived by its good looks! I was left stunned and confused. How did Mum’s recipe fail!? I thought maybe if I left it to cool down it would taste normal… that hope was crushed a few hours and taste tests later.

I don’t know if I can ever attempt it again… maybe one day when the scent of burnt milk has left my nostrils, or the taste of gloopy milk has disappeared. For the time being, custard is my enemy (unless it comes pre-made).

I better end this post now… I’ve made myself some tea and (God forbid) I over brew it and lose my confidence in making warm beverages!

Have you had a cooking catastrophe? Feel free to leave me a comment letting me know.

Love, Christina

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