Easter Baking: Cookies

When it comes to this time of year, we love diving straight into the kitchen to bake. Opening the old recipe book and tying on our aprons occurs as frequently as our chocolate cravings. This year we decided to make cookies and change up the classic shortbread recipe.

  • 1 cup margarine/ softened butter
  • ¾ cups caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ½ tablespoons vanilla essence
  • 2 ½ cups wholemeal plain flour
  • 290 grams of milk chocolate chips
  • Hundreds and Thousands (optional)

  1.  Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  2.  Cream margarine/butter and sugar in a mixer until pale and creamy.
  3. Combine egg and vanilla essence into mixture.
  4. Mix in flour until combined.  
  5. Cover in cling film and chill in fridge for 45 minutes.
  6. Roll dough between two sheets of baking paper (until around 5mm thick).
  7. Cut out dough into shapes of your choosing and place cookies on a lined baking tray.
  8. Place in oven for 10 minutes or until golden.
  9. Allow cookies to cool while melting chocolate chips over a bane-marie.
  10. Dip cooled cookies halfway into the melted chocolate.
  11. Place chocolate/hundreds and thousands side down on baking paper and allow them to set.

Added step: Before placing the chocolate-dipped cookies on baking paper (step 11), dip them into a bowl of hundreds and thousands and place on the baking paper to set.


If you make these cookies, make sure to take a picture and tag us on our social media! We’d love to see!

What’s your favourite thing to bake at this time of year? Let us know in the comments.  

Love, Christina and Maria

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